Page 55 - Studio International - January 1965
P. 55


          1                       gives the movement of water to subtle colour schemes  etchings  and  lithographs  by  19th  and  20th  century
          Ulrico  Schettini       in which blues, green, umber and yellow soak sympa­  masters for prices that  were  attractive.  They  included
          A personage called  Tchoubtchik.   thetically  into  our  retinas.  This  immersion  in  canal  some  Renoir  drypoints.  an  excellent  Nu  Couche  by
          1963                    depths  displays  a  mysterious  and  limitless  vein  of   Matisse  and  the  well-known  W.  B.  Yeats  etching  by
          Oil and paper on canvas   exploration that here and there almost takes a hint of  Augustus John.
          71  X  55,j, in.
           McRoberts and Tunnard   figuration  in  the  linear  design.  Whether  intentional  or   Fine  drawings  and  water  colours  were  on  view  at
                                  not-and I am inclined to think it is not-the ambiguity   Roland  Browse and Delbanco with  Rodin,  Modigliani,
          2                       gives  an  augmented  piquancy  to these  medium-sized   Degas  and  Marie  Laurenc;;in  well-represented.  Two
          Anne  Dunn              canvases. Their  mood, however, is largely serene with  water-colours by Emil Nolde of South Seas natives lent
          Pool Edge               coolish colours flooding biggish areas and the network  exotic richness to a well-varied offering.
           Leicester Galleries    of line and stipple casting its variations of tone across   The  human  figure  provided  subject  matter  for  two
                                  the canvas in subtle changes of strength.  Some of the  painters  having  one-man  shows.  At  the  Hamilton
          3                       smaller watercolours are assembled as three and four in   Galleries, Tony Underhill, Australian artist, who teaches
           Bryan  Kneale          one  mount  with  the  bright  accents  of  dragonflies  in  at  Hornsey, makes a monumental image from the torso
          Voice.  1964            completely  free  arabesques  running  across  the  paper.   that  is  confronted  centrally.  The drawing is firm in  its
          Steel 39 in. high
          Redfern Gallery           Also at  the  Leicester was a very interesting  show of  definition of thorax, hips and limbs and the modelling
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